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So you finally got your site ranked #1 on the submit urls. Congratulations, that isn't easy to do. I know. I put people's sites at number one on the submit urls for a living.

The problem with being number one on the submit urls is that you have competitors who want to be there as much as you do. It's frustrating to keep submitting your site to the submit urls only to see your competition keep the number one spot... That's why the smart ones check out your site and copy your techniques for getting to the number one spot -- suddenly you're not number one anymore.

I know I've seen it happen plenty of times. Some people will only see what you do and use it for ideas on their own sites. Others will actually copy your site word for word and upload it to their own website for submission to the submit urls. Either way, you're out a lot of hard work and research. Maybe you paid a lot of money for top ranking... some promotion services charge an arm and a leg... they should -- it isn't easy to put someone on top.

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